Saturday, April 28, 2012

Color Conumdrums

Trying to leave much of this blog to Ty, but had such an experience with paint that I just had to post for those DIY peeps in the crowd.  Now Brent (our Builder) would laugh as we all know I over plan everything, but the paint - it just caught me by the tail end.  I'm behind on picking things and can't make a final decision.  I tend to consider myself good with color considering, but DANG, it is much easier when some designer somewhere has put together ten color schemes you must pick from.  So, I think I'm about $50+ dollars into samples right now trying to decide on window trim color and cedar shake stain color.  Oh, and then there's the $20+ quart of stain that I kicked over in its entirety this morning before I could even use it. Yes, I was dabbing up stain from the dirt to put on the sample shingles.  Oh well all I could do was cuss myself and laugh......  I can say that I have seen an improvement in my concern over such things through this whole process.  I must stay out of the looney bin to be able to move in for goodness sake.  

But, just so you know, some paint manufacturers sell sample cans - awesome idea and so easy.  They even have a screw lid (why don't they all?).  Actually, why don't all paint/stain peeps make samples of this kind?

If you want to try stain, good luck.  Some sell quarts, but places like Sherwin Williams doesn't.  So, that's where I am.  I find that the stain I like is not available in the finish I want and must special order.  But, that is $45 to just sample it first.  Really?  I know it must just be me - but, do I go searching for it or does it find me?

I laugh as I read this, as I am obviously unloading, but I remind myself too how unimportant such conundrums are to our daily lives and then at the same time - I must LAUGH at myself again, as so far everything being painted inside I've chosen to be pure white.  I'm painting that part and have more time to pick colors before I do it.  Not as quick a deadline there.  Go figure.....  :)   Mel

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